Stressmentor® Program

The Human Republic  – Coaching and Training Stressmentor® Program is a combination of medical and psychological methods in order to improve the client’s skills to manage situations of external stress and to help him/her eliminate the sources of further internal stress.


The most common work related health problems are back, - neck, - and shoulder pain, burnout syndrome and stress. Considering its consequences stress is a great problem, because tension at the workplace is harmful for the individual and can cause damage on company level as well.


Stress symptoms in connection with the workplace are the most frequent reasons for sick leaves. The economic loss due to this factor is measured in milions of EUROs every year in the European Union. Stress can effect a company in many ways: the employees become less loyal, employee turnover increases, employee performance drops, delays become more frequent, employees may hold back or misunderstand information.


Continous professional overload can result in the development of burnout syndrome. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by chronic psychological overload. It also manifests in the feeling of incompetence and desperation, with the loss of personal goals and ideals, which is characterized by a negative view of the person him/herself, his/her work and others.


Further results can be: the loss of well trained employees, depression, certain addictions, psychosomatic disturbances and suicide in the most severe cases.


The onset of stress and its symptoms is a process of several continuously worsening stages. The sooner the danger is recognized and intervention is started the more effective the given help can be.


The employer can do a lot for the prevention of burnout: by developing good communication methods, by involving the employees in the decision making processes, by providing feedback on their performance, by providing them with stress management and burnout prevention trainings.


Our Stressmentor® Program


We assess the state of the employers using an online questionnaire (regarding the psychological immune system, workplace stress and burnout). After evaluating them we will see who are the most exposed, weather there is s group or class level accumulation, weather there is a lack of people management skills in the management, or the root of the problems is mostly in the tasks.


In cases of accumulation and if there is a lack of PM skills of the management, we recommend to use personal coaching. If stress is caused by the characteristics of the task we recommend a group level training for stress management. In case no accumulation was found but there are some workers are highly endangered – after a priority analysis – we recommend the personal coaching process or other types of group trainings for methods of stress management to be learned. For certain employees who are in high priority positions there is a possibility for medical examinations with laboratory examinations and VIPORT equipment.


Diagnosis phase – psycho-diagnostics:

  • Filling out online tests on psychological immune system, workplace stress and burnout

Diagnostic phase – medical diagnosis:

  • Stress level measurement with VIPORT
  • Laboratory tests

Stress management phase

  • Williams Life Skill Program – stress management group
  • Personal coaching
  • Autogenic training – relaxation
  • Mindfulness meditation – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
  • Lifestyle change supporting self-help groups
  • Individual therapy – active analytic psychotherapy, Katatim Imaginative Psycho Therapy (KIP) and Neurolinguistic psychotherapy (NLP)
  • Half day Stress Management and Burnout Prevention Training (for company groups only)
    • Duration: 4 hours
    • Attitude changing basic launch-pack to prevent burnout, to improve health maintenance and workplace efficacy: Introduction of parts of the Stressmentor® Program and their implementation in a persons life.
  • Two days Stress Management and Burnout Prevention Training
    • We offer ways of renewal and energizing in an exclusive environment with high professional standards and unique methods.
    • Topics: the Stressmentor® Structure is built around  – stress control, nutrition, exercise, getting o know the inner self and supporting each other. We apply the elements of the Stressmentor® Program in the management of the stress- spectrum problems (ranging from discomfort to burnout).
    • A few examples of these elements: stress and its results (theory); testing and reflection, stress controlling nutrition (theory and own experience); exercise; relaxation – yoga – meditation methods; motivation and support groups.
    • Our goal is to provide participants with theoretical knowledge that they can afterwards integrate into their lives in practice as well; learning trough experience will enable them to use their experience actively in everyday life and at the workplace as well.  We also encourage them to recognize their personal needs for development and to find their hidden resources, possibilities and the key for renewal and changes.


Professional colleagues

  • Dr. Horváth É. Mónika – internist, occupational health specialist, psychotherapist
  • Krisztina Soltész – psychologist, active analytic therapist, coach, trainer
  • Andrea Sági – psychologist, psychology teacher, sport psychology specialist, stress-trainer


Thank you for your interest! For further information please call us or write to us!

Soltész Krisztina - 06 20 346 9839